2021 for bluehost blog

“We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10-5” 

“Nothing teaches us about the Creator as much as when we learn the emptiness of everything else.” – Charles H. Spurgeon.


Welcome to patriot and liberty. It has a clean, crisp look, a fantastic banner expressive of my ministry, and an easy to use comment section at the bottom of every article. So please feel free to comment. ~~~Linda


The Wartime Church

Andrew Torba, 5/24 The recent incidents at Jesus Dwelling Place Church in North Braddock, Pennsylvania, and the Assyrian Christ The Good Shepherd Church in western Sydney serve as stark reminders that Christians are at war whether we acknowledge it or not. The attempted shooting of Pastor Glenn Germany and the stabbing of Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel underscore the […]

Boston Children’s Hospital’s Infamous “Gender Clinic” Reorganizes its Website to Hide What it’s Really Doing to Children.

MassResistance, May 6, 2024 The infamous “Gender Clinic” at Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH), which opened in 2007, was the first major medical facility in America providing “gender” procedures for children. Since then, it has been the model for similar major hospitals around the world. The BCH Gender Clinic site previously included descriptions of most of its […]

Bill Gates Wants to Use AI for Genetically Modifying Beef Cows to “Save the Planet”

Cassie B., FutureTech.News, 5/24 Microsoft founder Bill Gates recently discussed how AI could fight climate change on his podcast, Unconfuse Me With Bill Gates, and it was just the type of unhinged conversation you would expect from the same man who touts synthetic beef, depopulation, preventing cows from burping and experimental geoengineering. He made his latest […]

Staring Evil in the Face

So last night I stared evil in the face. Every year I join my fellow profs from Trinity Law School at a retreat in Huntington Beach. Part of the annual tradition is sitting by an outdoor fireplace and talking theology late into the night. About midnight a young man we’ll call Mr. C wandered into […]

Perilous Times

by Martin and Deidre Bobgan, Psychoheresy Awareness Ministries, Apr. 2000 Christians are living in perilous times. Dissatisfaction, distress, discomfort, discouragement, despair, depression, divorce, discord, disdain, disgust, dissension, and disobedience are all too common among those people who are called to bear witness to God’s glory and to reflect the image of Christ. Countless Christians have turned […]

Bestiality Overwhelms Seattle Hilton: Furry Convention Descends into Orgy, Violence, Destruction as Diaper Clad Adults Trash Host Hotel

Alex Hammer, Dailymail UK, 5/5/24 RainFurrest 2015 was one for the books. The convention, filled with full-grown adults dressed as bears, wearing diapers and taking drugs, catapulted the often sex-crazed subculture into the public eye. It was meant to be an annual convention designed for and by furries. But the debauchery that ensued left animal […]

Melbourne Atheist: the Exterminator…Chillingly Consistent Application of Evolution

Bill Muehlenberg, creation.com Who says ideas do not have consequences? Ideas are not just neutral, ethereal concepts with no bearing on life. Quite the contrary. Bad ideas have bad consequences. And good ideas have good consequences. One very bad idea which leads to some very nasty consequences is materialistic reductionism. This is the idea that […]

The Pentagon is Lying About UFOs

Marik Von Rennankampff, The Hill, 5/1/24 Congress held a historic hearing on UFOs last July. The hearing, which featured testimony from two former Navy fighter pilots and a former senior intelligence officer, garnered a notable amount of attention and interest not seen on Capitol Hill in years. In one remarkable exchange, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) described how his office received a “protected disclosure” from Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, regarding a […]

Corporatist Fascism: How the Left and the Right Joined Forces to Kill Democracy and Empower the Billionaire Class

Hanne Nabintu Herland, The Herland Report, 5/24 Corporatism, with its offspring Fascism and Nazism, is supported by totalitarians of the left and the right and its libertarian opponents also spring from the left and the right. On “the left” both “communists” and “welfare socialists” oppose corporatism and on “the right” democratic enterprise capitalists and small […]

Christians Are Called to Be Holy, But are They?

“Every perversion known to mankind is being embraced and gradually legalized. The idea that morality is created by each individual as he makes decisions throughout each day is a step beyond anarchy.” Moral Anarchy, American Thinker If Christians are to be a Light in our dark, degenerate society pointing to the Way, we must be […]

Moral Anarchy: An Understatement

E Jeffrey Ludwig, American Thinker, 4/24 A recent article published by AT ended with the following ominous sentences: “If the USA is unlikely to become once again an overwhelmingly Christian nation (and this seems to be the case), where will we turn for a new morality?  Is it possible that we are now entering a century or so […]